Grant Application
Solva Edge Festival – Grant Application
The Edge Festival has had another brilliant year and it’s now time to award to ‘good causes’ in Solva, St. Davids Peninsula and Haverfordwest. The Solva Edge Festival is a registered charity. This means that we need to ask all grant applicants to complete this application form.
The grant policy of the Edge Festival states that the charity can make grants in support of one or more of the following activities and causes that are by their nature ‘charitable purposes’. The grant must support at least one of the following:
- Relief of poverty
- Education
- Health or saving of lives
- Citizenship or community development
- Arts, culture, heritage or science
- Amateur sport
- Environmental protection or improvement
- Relief of need due to youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other
- Provision of recreation and leisure facilities in the interests of social welfare
- Promotion of mental or moral improvement
- Improvement of the community
Please click on the link above to complete the application form, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Please note that the Edge Festival likes to make a number of grants, so grants requests in excess of £750 are unlikely to be awarded.
Any questions please to info@edgefestival.co.uk.
Our thanks,
Solva Edge Festival Committee